Print Pod Project

PETER HEMENWAY Nov. 23, 2023

Facebook is an incredible market place for unique products that merchants want to sell.   

I don’t have a normal desktop printer and have little use for one. I found they often become expensive as the ink is often costly as well as initial learning curve to operate them. But I saw this mini printer for about $65 including adhesive printing paper so I bought it.

The Print Pod arrived yesterday and it was easy to set up and work. It is just what I needed!

I take an assortment of health supplements and the following is the description of one of my projects using the Mini Print Pod with a glue gun, Go Tube container and the extra strong neodymium magnet, which are all available on Amazon

Print Pod $45-60

Go Tubb Container  three for 10$

300 watt Professional Arrow Glue Gun $50

Glue Sticks $8

Neodymium  Magnets $15

Washers $6




Coconut Shells